
    Kindly fill the form below to contact us

    Name of the Institution/ School*




    Name of the Principal *

    Name of the co-ordinator *

    Number of students attending the workshop*

    Preferred Date of the workshop: *

    Preferred Time slot: *

    Age group/ Grade of the participants: *


    Be Safe in Cyberspace Students’ Workshops address all aspects of  Internet Safety from password protection and usernames, safety of personal information and safe social networking to serious issues such as cyber bullying, sexting and Internet addiction.

    Interactive and informative, the workshops highlight facts encouraging students to make wiser online choices around privacy, gaming, social media, cyber bullying and other online perils faced by young users. Stressing that students need to treat others the way they like to be treated online and offline, the workshop aims at sensitizing young netizens towards the emotional and social implications of their online activities.  It also generates awareness about how online abuse/bullying can happen, how it could be prevented and how it can be stopped.

    The importance of online privacy of personal information is highlighted, along with great stress on the need to stay away from people they don’t know in the real world. A strong focus is laid upon leaving behind clean digital footprints, while creating awareness about the social and legal dangers of sexting and how it can impact their future.

    The content of the workshops is adaptable and age appropriate modules are available for different age groups/grades. Our workshops have been specifically designed to engage pupils aged 10 to 18 and basically cover the following topics:

    • Need for Internet Safety
    • Privacy of personal information
    • Strong passwords and safe screen names
    • Ways to deal with cyber bullying
    • How to identify online predators
    • Safe social networking
    • Managing online reputation
    • Safe online gaming
    • Prevention on Internet Addiction
    • Any specific issue the school is trying to address.

    The participants are also shown short videos to highlight how some consequences of their online activities can spill out of cyberspace and mess up their real lives. The duration of each workshop is typically 1 hour, including 15 minutes for answering queries (which are usually plenty!)

    We are happy to run multiple sessions on one day.

    We would be happy to conduct our ‘Be Safe in Cyberspace’ awareness workshop at your institution, since this would help us in our mission of spreading awareness on how to ‘Be Safe in Cyber Space’. The duration of the session for your students is 1 hour, including 10 minutes for a question-answer round.

    Kindly fill up the above form to enable us to know you & your needs better:

    We also conduct workshops for parents and teachers. Our team shall be in touch with you once you submit this form.